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Apprentice Private Training Session $175 per appointment No purchase required to enroll

Apprentice Training Packages are NOW available at a deeply discounted rate. Apprentices who are taking sessions are fully versed in training methodology, but still building their experience in the field. Inquire by email or phone, if you are interested in booking time with an apprentice trainer.

Day School PT Reservation No purchase required to enroll

Facility Booked for PT No purchase required to enroll

Community Outreach No purchase required to enroll


Puppy Day School at West 85th Street $140 per class From $120 per visit with Puppy Day School 10-Pack pass Purchase required to enroll

Drop your puppies off at our facility for 3 hours of activities and training with our expert trainers!

Puppy Day School Drop Off Service $35 per class Purchase required to enroll

Our radius is W80th - W90th from Riverside Drive to Central Park West.
Do not book if you are outside of the radius unless approved by AGDT ADMIN.

***Please provide instructions on how to enter your home to info@amandagagnondogtraining.com

Puppy Day School Pick Up Service $35 per class Purchase required to enroll

Our radius is W80th - W90th from Riverside Drive to Central Park West.
Do not book if you are outside of the radius unless approved by AGDT ADMIN.

***Please provide instructions on how to enter your home to info@amandagagnondogtraining.com

Day School at West 85th Street $140 per class From $120 per visit with Day School 10-Pack pass Purchase required to enroll

Drop your dogs off at our facility for training, socialization, and games with our expert trainers!

Day School Drop Off Service $35 per class Purchase required to enroll

Our radius is W80th - W90th from Riverside Drive to Central Park West.
Do not book if you are outside of the radius unless approved by AGDT ADMIN.

***We must be able to easily access your building and drop off with additional dogs.
***Please provide instructions on how to enter your home to info@amandagagnondogtraining.com

Day School Pick Up Service $35 per class Purchase required to enroll

Our radius is W80th - W90th from Riverside Drive to Central Park West.
Do not book if you are outside of the radius unless approved by AGDT ADMIN.

***We must be able to easily access your building and pick up with additional dogs.
***Please provide instructions on how to enter your home to info@amandagagnondogtraining.com

In Person Puppy Socials at West 85th Street $40 per class From $35 per visit with In Person Puppy Social 10 Pack pass Purchase required to enroll

Come socialize your puppy to other puppies safely!

In Person Puppy Socials at West 54th Street $40 per class From $35 per visit with In Person Puppy Social 10 Pack pass Purchase required to enroll

Come socialize your puppy to other puppies safely!

In Person Puppy Socials at West 72nd Street $40 per class From $35 per visit with In Person Puppy Social 10 Pack pass Purchase required to enroll

Come socialize your puppy to other puppies safely!

In Person Puppy Socials at West 97th Street $40 per class From $35 per visit with In Person Puppy Social 10 Pack pass Purchase required to enroll

Come socialize your puppy to other puppies safely!

In Person Puppy Socials at East 53rd Street $15 per class Purchase required to enroll

Come socialize your puppy to other puppies safely!

Drop Off Adolescent Social at West 85th Street $40 per class From $38 per visit with Drop-Off Adolescent Socials pass Purchase required to enroll


Free, Live, Virtual Puppy Q&A With A Pro Trainer Free No purchase required to enroll

Thinking about getting a new puppy? Do you have a puppy and have training questions? Skip The endless realms of the internet trying to find answers to your questions. Open to everyone and anyone! Join pro trainer Liz Kelsay every Monday at 5:30pm online for a free puppy Q&A. Ask questions! Get answers!

Hosted online via zoom or google meets. You must still register and sign up in order to attend and get your meeting link.

***Puppies are considered to be dogs under 5 months in age.

Free, Live, Virtual Q&A with a Pro Trainer Free No purchase required to enroll

Skip The endless realms of the internet trying to find answers to your questions. Open to everyone and anyone! Join pro senior trainer Melissa Arbitman every Saturday at 11am online for a free Q&A. Ask questions! Get answers!

Hosted online via zoom or google meets. You must still register and sign up in order to attend and get your meeting link.


Certified Trainer Initial Consultation Or Virtual Follow Up Session Starting at $110 per appointment Purchase required to enroll

One-on-one time with an expert AGDT dog trainer!

Certified Trainer Private Training Session From $234 per visit with Day Training - Hand Us The Leash 12 Pack pass Purchase required to enroll

Private training allows our trainers to customize your dogs training plan and work with you in person.


Amanda Gagnon Virtual Initial Consultation $190 per appointment Purchase required to enroll

Apprentice Initial Consultation $75 per appointment From $75 per visit with Apprentice Initial Consultation pass Purchase required to enroll

If the cost of private training is a bit steep for your budget, or you would like to help budding trainers build their hours of experience, you might be interested in booking a session with an apprentice trainer.


AGDT Daysit No purchase required to enroll

30 Minute Certified Trainer Dog Walk $80 per appointment From $75 per visit with 30 Minute Certified Trainer Dog Walk 5 Pack pass Purchase required to enroll

Use one of our certified dog trainers for dog walking to help meet your training goals.

***service is only available for current clients who have worked with us in the past 90 days. Otherwise, an Initial Consultation is required before booking.


Puppy Kindergarten at West 85th Street $395 Purchase required to enroll

Puppy Kindergarten at West 54th Street $395 Purchase required to enroll

Puppy Kindergarten at West 72nd Street $395 Purchase required to enroll

Puppy Kindergarten at West 97th Street $395 Purchase required to enroll

Puppy Kindergarten at East 53rd Street $395 Purchase required to enroll

Puppy Level Two at West 85th Street $395 Purchase required to enroll

After Puppy Kindergarten is over, Puppy Two is the next step in your puppy’s education program!

You must have completed Puppy Kindergarten with us in order to take this course. If you have not trainer approval is required.

Puppy Level Two at West 54th Street $395 Purchase required to enroll

After Puppy Kindergarten is over, Puppy Two is the next step in your puppy’s education program!

You must have completed Puppy Kindergarten with us in order to take this course. If you have not trainer approval is required.

Puppy Level Two at West 72nd Street $395 Purchase required to enroll

After Puppy Kindergarten is over, Puppy Two is the next step in your puppy’s education program!

You must have completed Puppy Kindergarten with us in order to take this course. If you have not trainer approval is required.

Puppy Level Two at West 97th Street $395 Purchase required to enroll

After Puppy Kindergarten is over, Puppy Two is the next step in your puppy’s education program!

You must have completed Puppy Kindergarten with us in order to take this course. If you have not trainer approval is required.

Puppy Level Two in Central Park $395 Purchase required to enroll

After Puppy Kindergarten is over, Puppy Two is the next step in your puppy’s education program!

You must have completed Puppy Kindergarten with us in order to take this course. If you have not trainer approval is required.

Adolescent Dog Training at West 85th Street $395 Purchase required to enroll

Adolescent Dog Training is an introductory class that focuses on solving common behavior problems and teaching young dogs some good manners!

Adolescent Dog Training at West 54th Street $395 Purchase required to enroll

Adolescent Dog Training is an introductory class that focuses on solving common behavior problems and teaching young dogs some good manners!

Adolescent Dog Training at West 72nd Street $395 Purchase required to enroll

Adolescent Dog Training is an introductory class that focuses on solving common behavior problems and teaching young dogs some good manners!

Adolescent Dog Training at West 97th Street $395 Purchase required to enroll

Adolescent Dog Training is an introductory class that focuses on solving common behavior problems and teaching young dogs some good manners!

Adolescent Dog Training at East 53rd Street $395 Purchase required to enroll

Adolescent Dog Training is an introductory class that focuses on solving common behavior problems and teaching young dogs some good manners!

Adolescent Dog Training in Central Park $395 Purchase required to enroll

Adolescent Dog Training is an introductory class that focuses on solving common behavior problems and teaching young dogs some good manners!

Adolescent Dog Training Level Two at West 85th Street $395 Purchase required to enroll

Take it to the next level!

Adolescent Dog Training Level Two at West 72nd Street $395 Purchase required to enroll

Take it to the next level!

Adolescent Dog Training Level Two at West 97th Street $395 Purchase required to enroll

Take it to the next level!

Adolescent Dog Training Level Two in Central Park $395 Purchase required to enroll

Take it to the next level!

Leash Training Workshop at West 85th Street $290 Purchase required to enroll

This is a three 3 week leashing training workshop. The final class will be outdoors.

Leash Training Workshop at West 54th Street $290 Purchase required to enroll

This is a three 3 week leashing training workshop. The final class will be outdoors.

Leash Training Workshop at West 72nd Street $290 Purchase required to enroll

This is a three 3 week leashing training workshop. The final class will be outdoors.

Leash Training Workshop at East 53rd Street $290 Purchase required to enroll

This is a three 3 week leashing training workshop. The final class will be outdoors.

Leash Training Workshop in Central Park $290 Purchase required to enroll

This is a three 3 week outdoor leashing training workshop.

Stop Jumping! Workshop at West 85th Street $180 Purchase required to enroll

There is no service description as it is what it says. A stop jumping workshop. :)

Stop Jumping! Workshop at West 54th Street $180 Purchase required to enroll

There is no service description as it is what it says. A stop jumping workshop. :)

Stop Jumping! Workshop at West 72nd Street $180 Purchase required to enroll

There is no service description as it is what it says. A stop jumping workshop. :)

Stop Jumping Workshop at West 97th Street $180 Purchase required to enroll

There is no service description as it is what it says. A stop jumping workshop. :)

Stop Jumping Workshop at East 53rd Street $180 Purchase required to enroll

A two week workshop focusing on how to stop your dog from jumping.

Stop Jumping Workshop in Central Park $180 Purchase required to enroll

A two week workshop in Central Park to teach your dog not to jump on you, others, dogs and more!

Recall Workshop at West 85th Street $290 Purchase required to enroll

In this three-week workshop, we will teach you everything you need to know to use playtime and games to teach your dog to return to you like a boomerang when they are playing off-leash!

Recall Workshop at East 53rd Street $290 Purchase required to enroll

In this three-week workshop, we will teach you everything you need to know to use playtime and games to teach your dog to return to you like a boomerang when they are playing off-leash!

Recall Workshop in Central Park $290 Purchase required to enroll

In this three-week workshop, we will teach you everything you need to know to use playtime and games to teach your dog to return to you like a boomerang when they are playing off-leash! This is an outdoor class in Central Park Off W85th Street.

Puppy Agility at West 85th Street $60 Purchase required to enroll

Bring your puppy to a fun one hour workshop to explore and play with agility equipment in a fun and safe way.

Agility Skills at West 85th Street $290 Purchase required to enroll

This workshop is all about having fun and learning how to safely navigate agility equipment including the tunnel, tire, bar jump, weave poles, and more.

Agility Skills at East 53rd Street $290 Purchase required to enroll

This workshop is all about having fun and learning how to safely navigate agility equipment including the tunnel, tire, bar jump, weave poles, and more.

Agility Skills in Central Park $290 Purchase required to enroll

This workshop is all about having fun and learning how to safely navigate agility equipment including the tunnel, tire, bar jump, weave poles, and more. This is an outdoor class in Central Park off the W85th Street entrance.

Agility Skills Level Two at West 85th Street $290 Purchase required to enroll

Take your agility skills to the next level!

Agility Skills Level Two in Central Park $290 Purchase required to enroll

Take your agility skills to the next level! This is an outdoor class that meets in Central Park off W85th.

Agility Skills Level Three In Central Park $290 Purchase required to enroll

Agility Level 3 is an advanced manners course. Prerequisites: Agility Skills 1 & 2

Fun With Nosework at West 85th Street $395 Purchase required to enroll


Reactive Dog Training at West 85th Street $490 Purchase required to enroll

A comprehensive class in how to manage and reduce various forms of aggression.

This class requires approval from AGDT trainers. Be sure to fill out the questionnaire before enrolling HERE.

Dog Parkour (Urban Agility) At W85th Street $290 Purchase required to enroll

Dog Parkour aka “Urban Agility” is a titling sport that turns your environment into a playground.

Dog Safety and Handling Workshop $65 Purchase required to enroll

All dog rescue and dog care facilities should take the safety of the dogs and people in their care seriously. The entire team should know how to handle and prevent dog fights, how to prevent dog bites, and how to use safety equipment to keep both dogs and humans safe.

Separation Anxiety Online Workshop (1 hour) $65 Purchase required to enroll

This workshop will teach you how to prevent, diagnose, and treat separation-related anxiety problems through simple techniques that all dog-lovers can carry out in their homes.

Old Dog, New Tricks at West 85th Street $395 Purchase required to enroll

5 week course designed for senior dogs aged 7 and up. All dogs must be able to comfortably be around other dogs and people. Class designed to be modified for dogs with any special needs. For dogs with any prior level of training.

Stop Resource Guarding! at West 85th Street $395 Purchase required to enroll

Teach your dog to happily share toys, spaces, and other valuable things with humans.

**This class is not designed for dog on dog resource guarding.